Tuesday, March 6, 2012

National Sports Team Logo

For this assignment we were to choose a sports team logo of choice and have it be approved by the instructor.  The team logo I decided to do was the "Chicago Blackhawks" of the NHL.  I chose this logo because I thought it looked unique, and I thought possibly no one else was going to use it.  To begin, I first started off with the major outlines, and then worked my way towards the smaller objects.  The only issue I had at first was that I had to choose bright colours when outlining because it was too hard to see lines and that they always blended in, so using bright neon colours worked for me.

As I progressed further into outlining, I didnt run into much issues, the more I did, the more I could see the image coming together, which was pretty cool.  One little issue I had here was that sometimes working in really tight spaces, the lines were too close and I would have to redo them, but other than that everything went well.  By this stage, I was pretty much almost done the outlining and getting ready to colour and fill.

In this image, I was just about 80% done filling in colour when I noticed that I had left out some details on the face and hair.  So I went back and outlined the remaining details and continued to fill.  The colours currently in this image were a little more vivid and bright because I had just guessed the colour as close as my eyes could see, and it actually turned out pretty close.

Finally I completed the logo and I must say I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.  For the colours I went back and actually got the correct colours which were on the original logo, and once that was complete, I was finished.

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