Wednesday, April 10, 2013

DMA455 - Visualizing Audio Data


I started off by gathering my assets so that I could put together the visualizer.  I ended up picking a song called "Can't hold us" by Macklemore.


For me, the challenging part was setting up the code.  Once I got the code set-up, it was all a matter of putting together the images I gathered, and naming them the correct instances.


I wanted to do something a little humorous, so I decided to get an image of the artist Macklemore's head, and it actually turned out pretty funny because the image looks like a big blow up of his face. 


Within adobe flash, I was able to put together the sound analyzer with images to create visualized audio that corresponded to the music.


DMA455 - Wine Label


First, I got a graffiti image from the morlock assignment we did back in semester 1, and collected the colours from Adobe Kuler. (Image below)


The challenge with this was definitely making the wine label itself,  and placing it onto the wine bottle. I had to decide what I was going to do with the colours I received from kuler, and what kind of design I wanted to base my wine on.


My goal for the label was to incorporate the colours from the image, and implement a simplistic/minimalistic approach to the label, nothing too fancy and over the top, simply because the colours were already so vibrant.


With the combinations of Adobe Flash and Photoshop, I was able to create a label from the graffiti image with the copy that was required.


Amd Vineyards new WHITE wine, Made in Canada 2003, 17% alcohol

Monday, April 1, 2013

Monday, February 18, 2013

DMA455 - Flash and the Creative Industry (Week 7)

In this article, Gavin Clarke weighs in on his thoughts of what Steven Jobs, and Mark Zuckerberg thought about Flash and HMTL5.  Althought the title of the article may seem a bit harsh towards Steven Jobs, there is no animosity towards hims.  RIP Steve Jobs


Monday, February 11, 2013

DMA455 - Flash and the Creative Industry (Week 6)

In this article written by, Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols, he weighs in on the debate of HTML5 vs FLASH.  As HTML5 is becoming the new, everyone is looking at FLASH as the older and less capable platform, but Flash is definitely still fighting to stay alive.


Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Re-branding - Week 4

With the revised logo sketch done, it was time for me to vectorize the logo and place them onto different backgrounds.

Monday, January 21, 2013

DMA455 - Flash and the Creative Industry (Week 3)

In this article written by Nick Bilyk, a software developer who's been working in the industry for 15 years, discusses what he thinks about the whole "flash is dead" idea thats been on everyone's mind.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Re-branding - Week 2

Oliver Jewellery is in need of a re-branding, here is an idea of a new logo concept for the jewelers.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

DMA455 - Flash and the Creative Industry (Week 1)

With word of html5 soon becoming the new replacement for flash, we're all left to wonder, whats going to happen to flash?  Flash has been around for a long time, and because of its capabilities and the kind of work that can be produced with it, its still widely used today.  (Take a look at the picture on the left.)  Flash is still the most widely used platform to produce work such as games, applications, and websites.  It's supported by almost every platform (except for IOS) but its possible with some tweaking.  Html5 could possibly be better than flash, but with its limited support, and underdevelopment, we've yet to see its true potential, whereas Flash has already been creating to his potential, and is supported by almost all platforms.  There's no saying that one is far more superior than the other, because we've yet to see a great support base and use for html5, so until then, Flash won't be going anywhere.